“If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.”
Tony Robbins
The connection between the way we think and the way our body feels is constantly mirroring one another. When we feel love and excitement, we often find we have an abundance of energy and nothing seems to bother us. On the flip side, when we are surrounded by negativity, our body may feel depleted and run down. The cells in our body are constantly spying on everything we utter both outwardly and inwardly through our thoughts. So whether we are struggling with daily stress or we are holding on to painful memories, experiences, and feelings from our past, our physical body holds onto all of it. It may show up as our body feeling stiff, experiencing chronic pain, or possibly even developing a disease. Our body has those outcomes because it is trying to signal to us that something is wrong. We forget that our body’s true nature is balance and it is trying to help us by giving us a sign. The beauty though, is that we have the power to change. There are two things we can do immediately that will have a direct impact on the way our body feels. The first is movement and the second is through the food we eat. Both of these things can help release stress, clear our mind, and be incredibly effective for shifting our mental state. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to movement or nutrition, but learning to make small adjustments to our lifestyle can create a massive impact on our overall health and well-being.
yogaAlthough all movement is helpful when it comes to our body, there is something unique about yoga. Many people know that yoga can improve your flexibility, increase your strength, and ease your aches and pains, but it also changes us on another level. We feel different after a yoga practice. How is that possible when we didn't binge watch a show on Netflix or have a glass of wine? Well, it comes down to energy my friend. The combination of breath and movement creates a powerful, mind body connection that is different from many other activities. Yoga isn't just movement, it is a form of healing. It creates a space to listen more deeply from within and to access our internal wisdom. If you want to explore learning more about yoga, contact Alysha and she can help get you started. You can also find classes with her on her Youtube channel.
nutritionMost of us don't realize that the foods we eat, three meals a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year, is having more of an impact on our health than just about anything else. The foods we consume daily impact our mood, our resilience to stress, disease, and our overall wellbeing. They also affect our memory, our thinking, our lifespan, and even our happiness. Who knew what was on the end of our fork could be so powerful! It is Alysha's mission to help educate individuals and their families to learn more about which foods support their health and which ones deplete it. There is a lot of information in the world today, but the biggest take away is to start small. We don't have to change everything all at one time, all we need to do is make the commitment to ourselves that we are ready for a change and we are worth it. For a nutrition consultation, please contact Alysha.
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