"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
The mind is an amazing resource. It has the ability to process, filter, and organize an infinite amount of information. Yet so often people feel stuck in their lives. Despite having the best intentions of wanting to make positive changes, they often find themselves making the same choices and ending up in the same place over and over again. Why is that? The potential of our mind is remarkable and yet the challenge is it acts like a computer. It stores everything we put into it from our thoughts, to our experiences, to our surroundings and it doesn't know the difference between what is true and what we have made up by thought alone. The more we think a thought, the more powerful those neural connections become in our mind. Eventually those strong connections turn into our unconscious habits, patterns, and behaviors. This is what makes change so hard. We have to become conscious of the unconscious. This is the first step toward the process of transformation. The two practices below can help us deepen our level of awareness and be a true catalyst for lasting change in our lives.
meditationMeditation is a means of expanding our awareness. One of the definitions of meditation is "to become familiar with". When we meditate, we uncover the tendencies of our own mind. We access a space of natural openness that resides within the mind when we step away from the constant distractions, interruptions, and expectations we experience on a daily basis. Meditation encourages and develops a deeper state of concentration, emotional stability, steadiness, and clarity. In our world today we have become so dependent on our happiness coming from something outside of ourselves that we have no idea how to access the potential that lives within ourselves. When we meditate, we connect back to this innate wisdom. If you would like help getting started, please feel free to connect with Alysha. In the meantime, please enjoy this free 15 minute meditation below that is perfect for any time of day.
mindfulnessMindfulness is an integrative, mind-body approach to life that helps people relate more effectively to their everyday experiences. It involves paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and sensations in a non-judgmental way that can increase our awareness, help us manage difficult experiences, and create a space for wiser choices. Mindfulness cultivates a sense of "being" instead of being so pre-occupied with "doing". Our minds have a different way of relating to the world when we are in "being mode" and this change in perspective can have a dramatic effect not only on what we see, but also with how we think, feel, and act. When we can observe our thoughts, habits, and behaviors from a new vantage point, it teaches us how to work with our mind and not against it. If you are curious to learn more about mindfulness and how to incorporate it into your life, contact Alysha through the tab up above.